Festival Programme

Reservations* for events requiring them can be made by writing to: festivalrabicano@gmail.com

Information: whatsapp 348 60 57 212

Info Point Piazza Savonarola – Ferrara

Itinerant Food Truck “Di Guendalo” refreshment service

Friday, May 3

Friday, 3 May 2024
10:00 > 13:00 / 14:30 > 16:00 – Conference
“The Theatre Revolution in Open Spaces from the Renaissance to the Present”.
First day of studies.
Coordinated by Carlo Fanelli of the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Calabria
Church of San Paolo, ex refectory hall

Friday, 3 May 2024
19:00 – Theatrical performance
“The Way of Nora” Roberta Carreri
Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium – Odin Teatret
Palazzo dei Diamanti, “Lauro Ceraso” garden

Roberta Carreri will explain and demonstrate her use of improvisation in the creative process. In addition, she will confront a classic text: “A Doll’s House” by Ibsen, exploring on stage different ways of creating sequences of actions and then relating them to the aforementioned text. Alternating the creative work with theoretical explanations, she will present her personal process, revealing the motivations behind her choices.

Friday, 3 May 2024
21:00 – Square theatre performance
“Quijote!”Teatro Nucleo
National Premiere
Piazza Buozzi, Pontelagoscuro

Over 400 performances from 1990 to 2008 on 3 continents. Quixote and Sancho come back to life and, riding their improbable mechanical steeds, embark on amazing adventures. “Quijote!” is a tribute to fantasy and imagination, dedicated to all those who have lived and live to affirm their truths.

Saturday, May 4

Saturday, 4 May 2024
10:00 > 13:00 / 14:30 > 16:00 – Conference
“The Theatre Revolution in Open Spaces from the Renaissance to the Present”
Second day of studies.
Forum: Comparing Experiences and Perspectives of Theatre for Open Spaces
Church of San Paolo, former refectory hall

Saturday, 4 May 2024
16:00 > 18:30 – Travelling Concert

Band of Cona with Roberto Manuzzi
Via Bersaglieri del Po, Via Mazzini, Corso Martiri della libertà

Founded in 1863 in Cona, a suburb of Ferrara, it is still active today as the mouthpiece of popular music with more than 40 elements directed by Roberto Manuzzi.

Saturday, 4 May 2024
From 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at La Baracca di Guendalo

Drink & Talk
Presentation of the books “Libertà vo’ cercando” and “Contra Gigantes” in dialogue with Horacio Czertok and Piero Somaglino

“Libertà vo’ cercando. Il lavoro del Teatro Nucleo nel prigione di Ferrara”
Writed by Horacio Czertok, preface by Andrea Pugiotto, 2022 SEB27 Editions

“Contra Gigantes. Narration for solo actor and spectator accomplices”
by Horacio Czertok, afterword by Mario Serenellini, illustrations by Toni Demuro, 2023 SEB27 Editions.

Saturday, 4 May 2024
20:00 – Travelling theatre show
“Fleurs” – La Baracca dei Buffoni
Piazza Verdi, Vicolo del Ragno, Via San Romano, Piazza Travaglio

Poetic-sensorial parade. An enchanting builder with his magical watering can becomes a gardener, accompanied by giant flowers worn by stilt-walkers and magical characters, carrying music and scents.

Saturday, 4 May 2024
21:30 – Theatre performance
“Devolution” – Zeta Theatre
Palazzo dei Diamanti, “Lauro Ceraso” garden

The show leads the spectator, amidst inextinguishable silences and symbolic images, too simple to be left hanging, into a “moral” vortex on the value of power and its impossibility to be shared. The show approaches ‘moral’ themes with the aid of fables by the Greek author Aesop, fables that are true masterpieces of rapid and precise narration.

Sunday, May 5

Sunday, 5 May 2024
16:00 – Travelling theatre performance
“The Love of Three Oranges” – Theatre in Canone
Piazzale della Castellina

Inspired by the playwright Carlo Gozzi’s play of the same name. The show brings together the oldest techniques of street theatre (stilts, musical instruments played live, large puppets in the style of the Bred and Puppet, acrobatics, dance) and site-specific techniques, where a performance is grafted onto and dialogues with the architecture of an open space.

Sunday, 5 May 2024
18:00 – Theatrical performance
“Prospero” – Stalker Theatre
Coletta Park

This constantly evolving performance installation stages collaboration and community.. Immerse yourself , and the artwork becomes an expression of what unites us as you play your part in assembling this captivating large-scale sculpture accompanied by live music.

Sunday, May 5, 2024
21:00 – Theatrical performance
“Melchior and Eurydice”
IAC In collaboration with
Roberta Pazi’s “Teatro Bianco”
Departure from Porta D’Amore

A play that addresses the theme of diversity and belonging to the same land. A reflection on the closeness between humans and between species, which sees humans alongside animals, part of a single land to be shared. In the choral version, between 15 and 30 people are included within the performance to support the actors on stage. The participants will become mourners, shepherds, shepherdesses and prefects, all in the ironic spirit of the show. The choral staging is done in 2 days of workshop prior to the day of the performance.

Sunday, May 5, 2024
10:30 p.m. – Dance theater performance
“Kashimashi” Teatro Nucleo
Wunderkammer Pier, Via Darsena

Gender determines our daily actions: gestures, behaviors, social rituals. With the magnifying glass of theatrical research, Natasha Czertok’s “private bestiary” insinuates itself, with a good dose of self-mockery, into the dynamics related to what we are used to call “normality” and the stereotypes in which we recognize ourselves/which we reject/into which we feel constrained.

Tuesday, May 7

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
7:30 p.m. – Theatrical performance
“Around Troy. Trojan Women”Teatro del Lemming
5 performances for 10 spectators at a time every 30 min.
Suitable for audiences 13 and older / Reservations required*
Rotunda Foschini

This work is constituted as the second part of a cycle called Around Troy, which, from the Iliad to the Trojan Women to the Aeneid, intends to investigate the theme of a civilization’s destruction, loss and exile. Through this return to the roots of our culture we want to question the possibility of the preservation of a cultural identity, our own, its transformation and its possible re-foundation.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
7 p.m. – Theatrical performance
“Fegato” Teatro Nucleo
With actors inmates of the C. Satta of Ferrara
c/o C. Satta of Ferrara
(Reservation required* by April 18)

Loosely inspired by the figure of Prometheus In ancient Greek Prometheus is “He who thinks first.” But if Prometheus had known what mankind would become, would he still have stolen fire from the gods and suffered eternal martyrdom on the Caucasus Mountains with his liver torn apart daily by the eagle Aithon?

Wednesday, May 8

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
5:30 p.m. – Traveling performance
“The Invasion” with Kud Lijud
Garibaldi Street

An unusual performance, a game, an invasion in the mere sense of the word: a pink virus will spread through Ferrara and invite all* to participate.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
6:30 p.m. – Drink & talk
“Practices, Rituals, Performance. Subversion and Deconstruction of Gender in the Mediterranean”
With interventions by
Silvia Bruni – University of Bologna
Giuseppe Burgio – University of Enna
Luisa Corona – University of L’Aquila
Rosalba Nodari – University of Siena
Botanical Garden

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
8:00 p.m. – Theatrical performance
“Voices”Brama Theater
Pareschi Park

A performance that combines theatrical elements and music. Each song will transport the audience into a world of different emotions, atmospheres and stories. Polyphony has the power to envelop and move the soul.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
21:00 – Theatrical performance
“Rossini Flambè” Teatro Due Mondi
Piazzetta San Nicolò

A fun and wild sequence of songs, lyrics and comical situations that, like an elaborate recipe, mixes themes ranging from ingredients in the kitchen to love, from wine to the pleasures of life. Rossini flambé is a show for young and old that tells of Italy and its tastes and sounds, bringing to the surface the passion towards life and its pleasures as a characteristic trait of our popular culture.

Thursday, May 9

Thursday, May 9, 2024
5:00 p.m. – Circus performance
“Rock’A’Rella” LanciArte APS
by Francesca Mari
Cathedral Square

Inspired by and freely playing on the iconic Rock era, the era of excess, freedom and big dreams, a fun and light-hearted reflection on fashions, the passing of time and aging is offered. Breathtaking juggling, antipodeanism and more with an all rock’n’roll repertoire of our favorite musical pieces that have deeply marked an era, a style and most of all our hearts!

Thursday, May 9, 2024
6 p.m. – Circus show
“Crash Landing”Circoncetriche
Parco dell’Amicizia

Clown and aerial acrobatics show. Two female aviators are struggling with the construction of an airplane to make a much-desired trip. Violent turbulence, however, will force them to crash-land in a place where they will find something unexpected and special.

Thursday, May 9, 2024
8:30 p.m. – Theatrical Concert
“P.O.P. Little Pasolini Orchestra”
Teatro Nucleo

Poets’ Square / mural by Marielle Franco

A musical cabaret in which alternating moments of lashing poetic force and ironic premonitions, “stornelli” from the taverns in Rome, square glasses and black loafers, accompanied by the more and less known soundtracks of the films and music signed PPP.

Thursday, May 9, 2024
10:00 p.m. – Traveling performance
“Up there the wings have no rust”
Theatre en Vol
Mura di Ferrara – Belvedere Avenue

A dreamlike journey aboard an unusual aircraft, which will surprise us with amazing pyrotechnic effects.

Thursday, May 9, 2024
10:30 p.m. – Performance
“On the path of Francis”
Potlach Theater

Torrione del Barco

The story of a vocation, a great show full of mysticism, with majestic digital sets that envelop the three actresses making them part of the life fresco of the Friar, canonized a few months after his death in 1226.

Friday, May 10 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024
4:30 p.m. – Performance
“The Tales of Fernando”
Teatro Bertolt Brecht
Puppet Theater

Piazza Buozzi , Pontelagoscuro

The show, the result of research into the possible interactions between figure theater, actor’s theater and street theater, seeks through a storyteller to recount an era, from the years before the great conflict to the present day. Fernando called ‘the mountain’ because of his size, a fisherman and baker, a real-life character, is also the pretext for the actor/author to recount his artistic stages, which, starting from music, lands first in street theater then in research theater and figure theater.

Friday, May 10, 2024
17:00 – Circus performance
“Rock’A’Rella” LanciArte APS,
by Francesca Mari
Cathedral Square

Inspired and loosely played on the iconic Rock era of excess, freedom and big dreams, a fun and lighthearted reflection on fashions, passing time and aging is offered. Breathtaking juggling, antipodes and more with an all rock’n’roll repertoire of our favorite musical pieces that have deeply marked an era, a style and above all our hearts!

Friday, May 10, 2024
6:00 p.m. – Theatrical performance
“New Generation 25. The performance that can’t end”

Piazza Savonarola

Seven scenes dedicated to the colors of the rainbow, the eighth is based on astonishment, as emotion, specific skills of the actors and the effect given by the very rainbow that in many, different cultures represents a bridge of communication, the communication that the show highlights as necessary in this contemporaneity to “not live in black and white” and at the same time to find life beyond wars and other current, everyday dramas.

Friday, May 10, 2024
21:00 – Theatrical performance
“Quijote!” -Teatro Nucleo
Largo Castello, park side

Over 400 performances from 1990 to 2008 on 3 continents. Quixote and Sancho come back to life and, riding their improbable mechanical steeds, embark on amazing adventures. “Quijote!” is a tribute to fantasy and imagination, dedicated to all those who have lived and live to affirm their truths.

Friday, May 10, 2024
10:30 p.m. – Vertical theater performance
Luca Piallini
Torre dei Leoni, Castello Estense

Vertical aerial dance duo on the symbolic building of Ferrara: the Castello Estense.
A spectacular performance that will keep everyone hanging by a thread.

Saturday, May 11

Saturday, May 11, 2024
06:00 a.m. – Traveling theatrical performance.
“Follow The Angel” – Instabili Vaganti
Departure from Porta San Pietro

Expressing the essence of the journey in the very act of walking, it represents the traveler in his hermitage, man in his eternal wandering, immersed in the natural environment and yet aware of the new anthropocene era, whose enormous weight he carries on his shoulders, almost a necessary burden of atonement and which keeps him attached to the earthly world.

Saturday, May 11, 2024
Two-move study and meeting seminar.
“With Cora Before and After. Female authorship in

Day One: “Getting to Know Cora”
Coordinated by lecturer Roberta Gandolfi – University of Parma
09:30 > 13:00 – Conference 1st part Sala Della Musica of the Church of San Paolo
14:30 > 16:00 – Conference 2nd part Church of St. Paul, former refectory hall

Saturday, May 11, 2024
4:00 p.m. – Traveling Concert
Girlesque – Musical Band
Via San Romano
Italy’s first and only all-female band.

The name recalls Burlesque, to remind the street audience that music can be played irreverently, sympathetically and overwhelmingly. The band refers to the musical formations of New Orleans, from which any type of street Brass Band originates; in their current conception the music evolves from the origins of ragtime and jazz developing mainly in funk and all pop genres, without disdaining disco music.

Saturday, May 11, 2024
5:30 p.m. – Traveling theater performance
“Attraversamenti” – Residui Teatro
Via Delle Volte

Each era contains, among other things, its own songs, dances, myths and rituals. However, places have the ability to transcend time and space. Places are containers of possibility because they contain the past, they house the present, and they can reveal the future to us.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

4:00 p.m. “Dakini”
Paloma Hurtado / Hojarasca
Parco Pareschi

It walks through deserts, forests, oceans, cities, castles, neighborhoods. It lives among queens and peasants, in a boarding house room, in factories, in prisons, in the mountains of solitude.It lives in the ghetto, in the university, in the streets. It leaves her footprints there to be fertile soil.

Saturday, May 11, 2024


4:30 p.m. “White noise”
DNA dance company
Parco Pareschi

The role of the feminine in the ability to generate creative, evolutionary, social change Staged by two female dancers, the first or last humans on Earth, who make a journey, a life cycle, a geological era. The play opens with a sacred ceremonial, a dreamlike, wild, primitive ritual that honors the nature of the feminine.

Saturday, May 11, 2024


6:30 p.m. “Fog”
Cinqueminuti APS / Abbondanza Bertoni
Parco Pareschi

Saturday, May 11, 2024


7 p.m. “The Shyness of the Wolf”
Cinqueminuti APS / ASMED Ballet of Sardinia
Parco Pareschi

Saturday, May 11, 2024
19:30 – Theatrical performance
“Circe”Teatro Ebasko
Parco Pareschi

A street theater performance that explores the myth of the Greco-Roman goddess, transporting the audience to an epic world, rich in supernatural elements, classicism and reflection. Digital set design brings fragments of the sorceress’ story to life and adds a magical atmosphere to the play.

Saturday, May 11, 2024
8:30 p.m. – Traveling Concert
Girlesque – Musical Band
Via Bersaglieri del Po

Italy’s first and only all-female band.
The name recalls Burlesque, to remind the street audience that music can be played irreverently, sympathetically and overwhelmingly. The band refers to the musical formations of New Orleans, from which any type of street Brass Band originates; in their current conception the music evolves from the origins of ragtime and jazz developing mainly in funk and all pop genres, without disdaining disco music.

Saturday, May 11, 2024
21:00 – Square theater performance
“Arka” – Teatr Osmego Dnia
Piazza XXIV Maggio, Aqueduct

The show, famous for its mammoth sets, pyrotechnic effects and choral scenes, reminds us that we still live in the age of refugees, wanderers, nomads, who cross continents and warm their souls with memories of home, whether spiritual or ethical, heavenly or geographical, real or imaginary.

Saturday, May 11, 2024
23:00 – Travelling concert
Girlesque – Musical Band
Piazza XXIV Maggio, Aqueduct

Italy’s first and only all-female band.
The name recalls Burlesque, to remind the street audience that music can be played irreverently, sympathetically and overwhelmingly. The band refers to the musical formations of New Orleans, from which any type of street Brass Band originates; in their current conception the music evolves from the origins of ragtime and jazz developing mainly in funk and all pop genres, without disdaining disco music.

Sunday, May 12

Sunday, May 12, 2024
10:00 > 13:00 – Conference
“With Cora Before and After. Female authorship
at the theater”
– Second day.
Coordinated by lecturer
Laura Mariani – University of Bologna
Church of San Paolo, former refectory hall

Sunday, May 12, 2024
15:30 – Film screening
“Women in Action” by Chiara Crupi
Presentation by author Chiara Crupi in dialogue with Julia Varley
Zanzara Contemporary Art
Via del Podestà, 11/11a – 14th Ex Scuderia

Images and stories from Transit International Festival of Women in Theatre, with Julia Varley, artistic director of the festival, and actresses from the Magdalena Project. An Odin Teatret Film production.

Sunday, May 12, 2024
17:00 – Formation
Masterclass with Eugenio Barba
Palazzo dei Diamanti, teaching room
Free participation – Reservation required: festivalrabicano@gmail.com

Sunday, May 12, 2024
18:00 – Performance
“A character who cannot die”
Julia Varley – Odin Teatret
Palazzo dei Diamanti, garden “Lauro Ceraso”

Death presents Mr Peanut, the character who has participated in numerous Odin Teatret performances for fifty years. Mr Peanut reveals his secret: he cannot die, only transform. He enacts a stream of mutations with dances, poems, photos and films evoking encounters, travels, adventures and landscapes of his long life.

Sunday, May 12, 2024
21:30 – Concert.
“Sonata Form. Mozart and Beethoven”
With Marcello Corvino and Carlo Bergamasco
Palazzo dei Diamanti, indoor garden

Sunday, May 12, 2024
21:00 – Theatrical performance
“Package” – Antagon TheaterAktion
Parco Coletta

Working to live or living to work? In a time of social disconnection, when mass production and human objectification affect many aspects of our lives, Antagon theater AKTion brings to the forefront a third and new perspective: the struggle for community and authentic relationships, through the languages of dance, physical theater and live music.